WEEK 3: Eureka!
Seek and ask
for explosions of light and truth as we penetrate deception in order to help us maintain the Title of Liberty

*Each week,
you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the
week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).
"Starting Point": Do all the following--
Read Ch. in "Lead Like Jesus." Record or share your thoughts or favorite quotes.
Read "Puss in Boots" in its more original form here:
http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/perrault04.html (so we all read the same version) and look for true and untrue messages in that fairy tale.
3. Scientific Principle for this month: Classification. Scientists try to look at the world and make sense of it. One way they do this is to try and come up with systems of classifying things. Scientists
believe that there are over 10 million different kinds of lifeforms, or
species, on Earth. Imagine trying to study and understand the lives,
patterns, behaviors and relationships of so many different kinds of
organisms! In order to make their job easier, scientists classify living
things into groups based on how they are the same and how they are
We find evidence of "classifying" things in the scriptures as well: Adam did so, when he started naming the animals. Moses did it while organizing the 12 tribes after leaving Egypt.
-Quickly skim through the information at this kid's website:
http://www.kidsbiology.com/biology_basics/classification/classification1.php where they compare the classification of the animal kingdom to someone separating out their Halloween candy.
-Now, identify a system of classifying that you would like to learn more about (the calendar, time, periodic table and the elements, Dewey decimal system, relationship of different languages, plants, animals, political systems, rankings of teams in the NFL) study it and then come and teach us what you found!
"Bunny Trails":
from the following or pick your own to take your studies further. You
can explore a couple things in minor depth or one in more depth. Come
prepared to teach us more about what you learned :)!
the chapter from Lead Like Jesus, make connections, find quotes,
articles and videos that go with it, and present it to us or as a family
home evening or devotional in your home. Report to your parent or us
how it went. You can also write a paper or do a powerpoint/prezi on
your findings.
--Take the principles you learned about classification and apply it in your life:
-organize the books on the shelves or your personal or your family's library (with your parent's permission, of course :)!);
-organize your drawers, closet and shoes according to some scheme of classification
-take an area of interest (beading, art, sports, historical ideas) and come up with a way that you could classify and organize that study into something that will not only help you organize what you already have but give you an easy place to categorize future material or information you may receive.
-look at your music and organize it into some different playlists based upon a classification scheme that supports your needs!
Come and share what you did and how you did it!
--Make a budget and discuss it with a parent about how you can better organize your finances.
--Draw your own version of the taxonomical chart from the kid's website or a biology book you have at home, using your own illustrations.
--Come up with a song that helps someone learn a classification system
-- Take something you learned about this week and teach it to one or more younger children. Come and tell us what you did and how it went.
"Project Time"
Time to report back on the progress of your month long project, your weekly one, or your currently adapted one!
at your life: how can applying stewardship in some way improve your studies,
your relationships with others, family, or God? How can stewardship change
your life? Prayerfully find a way and apply it. Inspire us by sharing
with us what and how you are doing!
We will be going on a field trip for the last part, after lunch, so please be prepared for that!