Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Week 4: Imaginative Arts


CORE CLASS: This week we will try to create within ourselves the initiative to DO something!

I. SEEK KNOWLEDGE:  Do all four and record or highlight your favorite parts.
1. Plan out your week with your mentor/parent like in a weekly accountability meeting.
2. Read “Way to Be” Ch 6: “Be Positive”
3. Read “The Monument” section of “Charlie’s Monument” and ponder what the take home message is for you from the book.  Be prepared to participate in a book discussion by writing down a few favorite quotes!
4. Now re-read and finish memorizing the scripture and quote from Teddy Roosevelt (at least once!) and think about what all these things have in common.
II. GAIN UNDERSTANDING:  Do both of the following.
1. Come prepared to participate in a hike and book discussion about “Charlie’s Monument.”  Wear good shoes!
2. Bring a cool rock.
III. INTELLIGENCE:  Now, think about what you have studied this week and this month.  How can you make it a part of your life?  Make a plan and DO something to change yourself with what you have learned. (Check out the blog for ideas!)
            My project for creating intelligence is: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

April Week 4: Imaginative Arts inspirements suggestions

UNDERSTANDING: (you will be participating in the book discussion for this, but feel free to do any of the following to increase your understanding of Charlie's Monument or the readings from this week to increase your understanding even more!)
- Write a paper about how Charlie lived what Gordon B. Hinckley talked about in his chapter of "Be Positive" and how that affected his life and the lives of those around him.

-Make an artistic example of some lesson you learned from the readings this week.  Display it in your home for at least one day and tell us how it affected you or your family.  For instance, you could do a dramatization of Theodore Roosevelt's quote, with music and action, record it in a video and post it to the group :)!  Share it with others to inspire them as well!

--In your journal or reflection book, write down examples of times that you have felt like you had a decision to make to "enter the arena" that Roosevelt mentions.  Did you enter it or not?  What kept you from entering it?  What motivated you to enter it?  How did you feel?  Looking back, what would you have done differently?  Share with a friend or family member (or us!) your thoughts.

--Read the following talk by Elder Uchtdorf, highlighting or writing down your favorite quotes.  Share them with us or someone else!   You can do it now!

-Create a "positive thoughts" jar.  For one day, put a pebble (or bean) into it for every positive thought you have.  Take one out for every negative one.  Did you end up with any beans in your jar at the end of the day?  How many?  Share your results with us, a friend, or parent.

--Consider how Charlie showed initiative in the book.  Review the different plans you have started this month during the other weeks.  Are you like Charlie?  Could you see a difference?  Remember, Charlie probably couldn't see what positive effects his initiative would have very quickly.  Decide if you want to keep your projects going.  Report to us or a parent what you decided to do and why.

--Teach a FHE lesson, using the material we studied this week, and tell us how it went!

April Week 3: Eureka!


CORE CLASS: This week we will be taking the initiative to look for resources around us and in ourselves and how to help that initiative grow…like a seed!

I. SEEK KNOWLEDGE:  Do all five and record or highlight your favorite parts.
1. Plan out your week with your mentor/parent like in a weekly accountability meeting.
2. Read Da Vinci Excerpt #8 (available on the yahoo group) and share your favorite parts with a parent or friend.
3. Read “The Rock Pile” section of “Charlie’s Monument” and ponder who he looks for resources, both in himself and in the world around him.
4. Study Seeds and how they grow, like books from the library or videos at: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/the-seedy-side-of-plants/video-shooting-seeds-burrowing-seeds/4665/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czRUxCJwVjw  (boring, you say?  I dare you to find something better besides “The Magic School Bus” or Bill Nye’s “Plant” episode, which doesn’t really talk about seeds :)!)
5. Now re-read the scripture and quote from Teddy Roosevelt (at least once!) and think about what all these things have in common.

II. GAIN UNDERSTANDING: After you have studied that section, pick something that came up in your studies or that came to mind as you were studying it and study it deeper to gain better understanding.  Check out the blog for ideas and suggestions, but make it your own!
                My project for understanding is: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
III. INTELLIGENCE:  Now, think about what you have studied.  How can you make it a part of your life?  Make a plan and DO something to change yourself with what you have learned. (Check out the blog for ideas!)
            My project for creating intelligence is: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Week 3: Eureka! inspirement ideas

-look at inspiring people who have started things: businesses, inventions, organizations. Pick one, identify the "seed" of their idea, and what conditions helped it to grow. Teach us about it or record it any way you choose!

-research seeds, new plantsand growing them in anyway you want and bring what you learned to class!  For example, when I was weeding the other day, I found a bunch of ways that new plants are formed, including one with four new plants stemming off of one root!  No wonder we need to dig up the roots to get rid of a plant!  I am looking forward to sharing my connections with you about it!

-pick something on Da Vinci's "to do" list from the readings: research and present it!

-Spend an hour outside observing nature, drawing and recording what you find. Try particularly to note any patterns or things that are connected: worms and soil, bees and flowers, etc.

-Consider what plants you want in your garden this summer.  Talk to your parents about it, plan it out, and prepare the soil.  Then start your garden.  (Try to start some plants from seed!  Watch them grow!)

- Brainstorm "seeds" of thought that are in you!  What do you need to do to encourage the good seeds and discourage the bad?  Make a plan, write it down, and report it to us or to your parents.

-Make your own "to do" list of questions you want to answer or things you want to study.  Write down at least 10 and bring some to class to share.

April Week 2: Geo-Conquest


CORE CLASS: This week we will be looking at Asia (with a focus on southern and eastern Asia) and practicing some initiative as we come up with projects and kites for our Kite-flying Asian festival!

I. SEEK KNOWLEDGE:  Do all five
1. Plan out your week with your mentor/parent like in a weekly accountability meeting.
2. Study a map of Asia and memorize as many as you can! (We are focusing on Eastern and Southern Asia.)  I will be using the following in class, with the items to identify from two pages http://www.docstoc.com/docs/110722916/UNIT-6-ASIA-Outline-Maps_-08-09
3. Read “The Hill” section of “Charlie’s Monument”
4. Research the Bali festival by reading the info at: http://www.holidaysia.com/events/bali-kite-festival/
5. Now re-read the scripture and quote from Teddy Roosevelt (at least once!) and think about what all these things have in common.
II. GAIN UNDERSTANDING: do both the following for our Kite Flying Festival!
Bring something Asian for our fair: food, clothes, decorations, music, games, art activities
Bring a kite that you made or that you bought to fly (if the weather holds).  Regardless, bring them and Miss Abby Gilbert will be awarding prizes!
Come and participate in our Kite Flying Festival, bringing your cool projects to share!