Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Week 2: Geo-Conquest


CORE CLASS: This week we will be looking at Asia (with a focus on southern and eastern Asia) and practicing some initiative as we come up with projects and kites for our Kite-flying Asian festival!

I. SEEK KNOWLEDGE:  Do all five
1. Plan out your week with your mentor/parent like in a weekly accountability meeting.
2. Study a map of Asia and memorize as many as you can! (We are focusing on Eastern and Southern Asia.)  I will be using the following in class, with the items to identify from two pages http://www.docstoc.com/docs/110722916/UNIT-6-ASIA-Outline-Maps_-08-09
3. Read “The Hill” section of “Charlie’s Monument”
4. Research the Bali festival by reading the info at: http://www.holidaysia.com/events/bali-kite-festival/
5. Now re-read the scripture and quote from Teddy Roosevelt (at least once!) and think about what all these things have in common.
II. GAIN UNDERSTANDING: do both the following for our Kite Flying Festival!
Bring something Asian for our fair: food, clothes, decorations, music, games, art activities
Bring a kite that you made or that you bought to fly (if the weather holds).  Regardless, bring them and Miss Abby Gilbert will be awarding prizes!
Come and participate in our Kite Flying Festival, bringing your cool projects to share!

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