Monthly Theme: The Role of God in Society and our Lives
POEM/SCRIPTURE of the MONTH: (see if you can have these memorized by the end of the month :)!)
31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope
in the Lord.
(read through the whole poem once week, but try to memorize at least the part at the end)
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When the time is ripe to cast the sword
When the time is prime to spread the word,
When evil’s ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When it’s time to do the best things right,
When it’s time to hold your stance and fight
When you don’t look back to dread your plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When evil’s deed is unvanquished
When all good seems to have perished
When good almighty’s left ravished
Fearless Thou shalt be!
For darkness comes before the light
Victory comes as the hero’s right
Tarry not, Stand up and fight!
Fearless Thou shalt be!
(read through the whole poem once week, but try to memorize at least the part at the end)
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When the time is ripe to cast the sword
When the time is prime to spread the word,
When evil’s ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When it’s time to do the best things right,
When it’s time to hold your stance and fight
When you don’t look back to dread your plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When evil’s deed is unvanquished
When all good seems to have perished
When good almighty’s left ravished
Fearless Thou shalt be!
For darkness comes before the light
Victory comes as the hero’s right
Tarry not, Stand up and fight!
Fearless Thou shalt be!
Leadership week focus: Courage to See Life As God Sees It
MEMORIZATION: “If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well
as the easiest times in life can be a blessing.” Elder Eyring April 2012 LDS General Conference

1)Before you begin your studies, plan
this week's studies and discuss it with your parents. Use something like a SAR
Accountability Report) and weekly
parent mentor meeting (PMM)
2) Read
the following:
-Max Lucado Ch. 10:
“Finding Gold in the Garbage”
-D&C 122
-read or listen to one of the following short articles: OR
-CH 1-3 of
“The Last Battle” by C.S. Lewis
-the poem on the blog: "When Nature Wants a Man"...make sure you read it out loud :)!
-the poem on the blog: "When Nature Wants a Man"...make sure you read it out loud :)!
the following short video:
VIDEO: You can watch this for ideas for our EPIC hands on challenge:
“Play your Garbage!”
UNDERSTANDING by doing the following:
a word study on the word “Courage”
do one or more of the following, (or come up with your own way to take what you
learned about deeper!):
-Really study the last week of the life of the Savior
in the scriptures and try to see things as he did. There are a bunch of really great videos that
cover this on in the “Bible Videos” sections. Write down or share with a family member or
friend what you learned.
-Max Lucado writes: “The solutions is not to avoid trouble
but to change the way we see our troubles.” (pg 127) Tape on a pair of fake glasses or wear a pair
of fake glasses for a day as a reminder to try and see things as God might see
them: people, troubles, situations…yourself!
Share with someone what you learned! (or you could do it without the
-Set the timer for 2 minutes or more, and spend those 2
minutes writing down all the garbage in your life: relationships, jobs, hard
things. Then, when you are done, pick 5
or more of those things and try to see how they can be a blessing.
-Do a graphic summary or create a skit of a situation
that is hard and how it can be turned into a blessing, whether in your life or
the life of someone you have read about or know.
-In the first three chapters of “The Last Battle” we
read about “garbage” that happens: write those examples down and bring them to
class to share.
INTELLIGENCE: Do one of the following to create
-After all you have studied and done this week, find a
video, song, poem, book, etc. that you feel teaches you about this and share it
with someone and why you feel it applies.
- take an area that is Garbage in your life right now and
find the Gold in it by setting a goal to change the situation or how you are
dealing with it: jobs you have, school work, problems with friends, personal
struggles, etc.
-Create something that represents a struggle you are
having and how you are going to see things differently, whether a song, poem,
skit, etc. Share it with someone :)!
Hey Mary! I'm revealing my tech ignorance! This black background is a printing nightmare! I can't figure out how to change it on my word doc to print out. Changing highlight, background doesn't change it. Can you help me?:s
ReplyDeleteTracy, I just copied and pasted to a word document and had no problem.
ReplyDeleteHow is that? Any better? :)
ReplyDeleteThe part at the end of this post is in symbols, not sure?