Saturday, November 16, 2013

January Week 2: Geo-conquest

Monthly Theme: The Role of God in Society and our Lives


POEM/SCRIPTURE of the MONTH: (see if you can have these memorized by the end of the month :)!)

Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.

(read through the whole poem once  week, but try to memorize at least the part at the end)
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When the time is ripe to cast the sword
When the time is prime to spread the word,
When evil’s ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When it’s time to do the best things right,
When it’s time to hold your stance and fight
When you don’t look back to dread your plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When evil’s deed is unvanquished
When all good seems to have perished
When good almighty’s left ravished
Fearless Thou shalt be!
For darkness comes before the light
Victory comes as the hero’s right
Tarry not, Stand up and fight!
Fearless Thou shalt be!

Geo-conquest week focus: Courage to Be Unique!
1)Before you begin your studies, plan this week's studies and discuss it with your parents. Use something like a SAR (Student Accountability Report) and weekly parent mentor meeting (PMM)

2) Read:

- CH 4-7 of  “The Last Battle” by C.S. Lewis

-Moroni 7:45-48
- (read or watch the video)    


UNDERSTANDING: To create Understanding choose one of the following to do or come up with one of your own:   
-Think about the four chapters we read in “The Last Battle”: many different kinds of people and animals are introduced: write down all the different kinds and how they helped or hurt the situation because of or in spite of their differences.   

-The article “Call for Courage” and the video on “courage” had some great examples of courage.  Find other examples of people who were courageous around the world and throughout history and bring them to share.  You can use “I am a Mormon” videos as a great resource or “Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer. Come prepared to teach us about them someway, by graphic summary, art, skit, report, etc.   

One way that I think would be so cool (for those who like doing things like this) is to come dressed up as that person, give a short speech or read a short report as if you were them, and see if we can guess who they are!

INTELLIGENCE: Create intelligence by doing the following: Help encourage us to be courageous in appreciating diversity in God’s children by PARTICIPATE IN OUR CULTURAL FAIR! 
- Find out something more about something cultural in the world that you LOVE: food, game, music, visual display (like on posterboard), artifact, person (please tell me if you are bringing someone to speak about their experiences in another country so we can plan for it!), prezi, etc.  Please email Tova or Abby what you are bringing for our cultural fair, so they can organize it :).

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