Monthly Theme: The Role of God in Society and our Lives
POEM/SCRIPTURE of the MONTH: (see if you can have these memorized by the end of the month :)!)
(read through the whole poem once week, but try to memorize at least the part at the end)
In the wake of yawning decadence,
In the arms of dreadful pestilence
In the eyes of hopeless impudence,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When the time is ripe to cast the sword
When the time is prime to spread the word,
When evil’s ugly head is reared,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When it’s time to do the best things right,
When it’s time to hold your stance and fight
When you don’t look back to dread your plight,
Fearless Thou shalt be!
When evil’s deed is unvanquished
When all good seems to have perished
When good almighty’s left ravished
Fearless Thou shalt be!
For darkness comes before the light
Victory comes as the hero’s right
Tarry not, Stand up and fight!
Fearless Thou shalt be!
Eureka! week focus: Courage to seek for truth in uncertainty
KNOW: Gain knowledge by studying the following:
1) Before you begin your studies, plan
this week's studies and discuss it with your parents. Use something like a SAR
(Student Accountability Report) and weekly parent mentor meeting (PMM)
2) Read the following:
-Read CH 8-11 of
“The Last Battle” by C.S. Lewis
-Read D&C 123:17: Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us acheerfully bdo all things that lie
in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see
the csalvation of God, and
for his arm to be revealed.
And consider the following quote along with it:
Thomas S. Monson: “Life’s journey is not traveled on a freeway devoid of obstacles, pitfalls, and snares. Rather, it is a pathway marked by forks and turnings. Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed: the courage to say, “No,” the courage to say, “Yes.” Decisions do determine destiny.
-Read Moroni 10:3-5, Alma 32:26-42 and D&C 9:7-9
watch the following short videos:
UNDERSTANDING: Create understanding by doing 2 or more
of the following or make your own inspirement:
-Come with a collection of at least 5 questions that
you don’t know the answer to. Send them
ahead of time to Sister Biesinger, please, so she can use them (she will not
include your name with them if you feel uncomfortable with that.)
-Bring your favorite puzzle to share with others. Please contact Sister Biesinger if you are
doing this one!
-Research the Scientific method and create something to
teach it, like the song at the following link:
the following scriptures about finding truth in Moroni 10:3-5, Alma 32:26-42
and D&C 9:7-9 and come up with a
poster or visual or method of teaching us how to find truth.
and contrast the scientific method with the scriptures about finding
truth. Write a paper or share/teach your
findings with people
about times that you have faced uncertainty. How have you moved forward? How did or how would
having courage in those situations help? Write down your reflections in your journal
about this (or these) experiences or share it with someone.
the situation of the characters in the chapters we read in the Last Battle: how
are they facing uncertainty and what can they do about it? What would you do in that situation? How does
courage play a part in the situations? Share your feelings with a parent or us,
or write them down in a paper.
INTELLIGENCE: Create intelligence by doing one or more of
the following:
of a situation that is not “fixed” or “solved” in your life. Counsel with a parent or friend, or ponder on
what you can do while in that situation to find peace. Make a commitment to yourself to take action
and have courage to do what you need to do.
a question you have (whether scientific or personal) and try to take some steps
to answer it based on one of the methods above.
Feel free to bring a science project to share if you did that one!
Abby's prezi:
1. How does an aircraft stay in the air?
2. How does a cruise ship float?
3. How does an airplane contact an air-tower when they're far apart from each other?
4.How do you hear each other and talk to each other on a phone without a cord?
5. why are jets so loud when they're are flying?
6. How do airplanes take off and land?
Zach’s Questions:
If there is a planet named joe, and a smaller planet that is orbiting joe. And if joe was to just all of a sudden to be gone. Would the smaller planet continue to orbit around nothing for a certain amount of time? Or would it immediately fly off in to space? How fast does gravity change? (Or maybe in other words. What is the speed of gravity?)
On average how much sugar does the human consume a year?
How many books are read every year?
How do magnets form?
How much does the earth weigh?
What are light bulbs made off
2. What is hair spray made of
3. How do they make curling irons
4. How do you make paints
5. Who invented iPods
1. Who came up with the idea of blocks of ice
2. Who invented stoves
3. What is hair dye made of do you make a computer
5. How do you make a iPhone
1. Is there a name of an animal that starts with X?
2. Is the Lord of the Rings actually a dystopian book?
3. Why does the sky turn red in a sunset?
4. Who invented chewing gum?
5. Where was pasta first invented?
How do you make a computer?
What is ink made out of?
What makes gas flammable?
Who made the first laptop?
Who made the frist block of cheese?