Tuesday, September 23, 2014

October Week 2: Geo-Conquest

WEEK 2: Geo-Conquest

Look at examples of Virtue and how it relates to personal freedom  in the lives of people in history & around the world--and then learn from them!


*Each week, you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).

"Starting Point":
1. Review the scripture and poem for the month
2. Read Chapter "Standing Firm" in Be the Change.  Record your thoughts or favorite quotes as you read by sharing them with others or writing them down.
3. Find a family history story that has to do with virtue (or the lack thereof) and bring it to share.
4. Label these things on a map: China, Japan, India, Himalayas, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Indian Ocean, Arabian Peninsula, Irael, Phillipines, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Ural Mountains, Russia, Siberia (in Russia), Turkey, Caspian Sea. (You can cut and paste the below on a paper or cut and paste an image from here or draw your own...)

5. Festival: Prepare for our Lantern festival by being prepared with the following: 
  • Bring a pint size or smaller mason jar, tape, and scissors.
  • Write your own riddle and bring it with you.  If you need help on how to write a riddle, you can find many resources on the web.
  • Bring an Asian dish to share.
  • If you have stilts and/or drums bring them.  If you don't have them and want to make some that would work, too. 
5. World in a Minute: Find a news article in Asia (preferably) or anywhere in the world that has to do with someone being virtuous or not.

"Bunny Trails":
Select from the following or pick your own--

- celebrate Asia by enjoying some of the dances that they have!  If you are interested, please contact Angie or Abby and let us know which one you would like to do.  Here is the list:  Research and perform a version of the Yangge dance (I think this is for girls), build a long, long dragon for us all to participate in the dragon dance, research and teach us how to do the land boat dance or perform it yourself or with some of your friends in Vanguard, research the lion dance and make a costume and perform the lion dance for us (this will require 3 people--recruit your siblings in Vanguard or your other friends in Vanguard).

-memorize 30 or more places, mountains, rivers, etc on a map of Asia or draw your own detailed map of Asia
-find more stories from your family history and share them with your family, put them into a presentation, or write up summaries or graphic summaries of them...or find some other way to research more in-depth family history
-after reading the chapter in "Be the Change," do more research about the people mentioned, find related videos, quotes, and articles, and present your findings
-look at people in Asian modern times and history that exhibited virtue like Saladin and the man mentioned in this article: Tankman Hero of China's Tianamen Square.  Find someway to learn more and teach more about them: a report, powerpoint, speech, etc.  Come teach us!
-research more news articles and their backgrounds finding reports to help us understand or give evidence of the following quote:
"The most recent warnings of Church authorites regarding the now imperiled bond between rights and moral responsibility suggest the need for continued reflection on the relationship between freedom and virtue as we renew our efforts to secure the political conditions for the fullest exercise of moral agency." Just and Holy Principles, pg xiii

"Project Time"
Get ready to present what you have done this month for your project with us!  It can be either the more recent one(s) you haven't shared or a main one that you have been working on all month.

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