WEEK 3: Eureka!
Seek and ask
for explosions of light and truth as we penetrate deception in order to help us maintain the Title of Liberty

*Each week,
you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the
week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).
"Starting Point": Do all the following--
-Read Ch. 4 in "Lead Like Jesus." Record or share your thoughts or favorite quotes.
-Read "Hansel and Gretel" and look for messages in that fairy tale.
-Read the following scripture and quote and think about what virtue and geology have to do with each other:
Moses 6:63 And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.
"In the development of modern-day temples, careful attention is given to the design, engineering, and use of building materials. Thorough testing of the soils and geology takes place on the site where a temple will be built. Studies of wind, rain, and changes in the weather for the area are considered so that the completed temple can withstand not only storms and climate common to an area, but the temple is designed and positioned to withstand the unexpected earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and other natural calamities that may occur. In many temples, concrete or steel piles are driven deep into the earth to anchor the temple foundation."
Questions to consider...
Like the designers and builders of our time, our loving and kind Father in Heaven and His Son have prepared plans, tools, and other resources for our use so that we can build and frame our lives to be sure and unshaken. The plan is the plan of salvation, the great plan of happiness. The plan lays out for us a clear picture and understanding of the beginning and the end and the essential steps, including ordinances, which are necessary for each of Father’s children to be able to return to His presence and dwell with Him forever."--"A Sure Foundation" Davies, 4/13
-The earth has different levels and each has to work together to make it a functional planet
-We can learn from the past by looking down through the layers
-Each rock is different and has unique properties that contribute to it's strength and ability to perform.
"The Geology Book" by Dr. John D. Morris
First 3 chapters in "Geology for Kids" at this link (please note the chapters 1-5 are listed at the bottom left of the site--just do the first three). Each section within the chapter is very short.
"Bunny Trails":
Select from the following or pick your own to take your studies further. You can explore a couple things in minor depth or one in more depth. Come prepared to teach us more about what you learned :)!
-Take the chapter from Lead Like Jesus, make connections, find quotes, articles and videos that go with it, and present it to us or as a family home evening or devotional in your home. Report to your parent or us how it went. You can also write a paper or do a powerpoint/prezi on your findings.
-Go to https://www.lds.org/search?lang=eng&query=geology and/or https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/earth?lang=eng and look for connections between Geology and the gospel. Record them and share them in some way of presentation or display. (This will also help with Journeyman if you are going to journeyman the next day.)
-Do a word study on Foundation and compare it to your word study on "Virtue" from earlier this month. What connections do you find? Write about it or create a presentation of your connections in some other way.
-Read Moses 7:48
48 And it came to pass that Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying: Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my face?Think about how the earth is living and what that means to you. How would you care for it more carefully? Look into ways you can do that, research the effects of pollution, erosion, and waste control or take your research wherever you feel prompted. Come and teach us what you learned!
-Look at these scriptures about how the earth was divided:
Compare scriptural and secular accounts of how the world was formed and created and present or record your findings somehow.
- Let the waters be gathered together unto one place:Gen. 1:9;
- In the days of Peleg was the earth divided:Gen. 10:25;
- After the waters had receded, it became a choice land:Ether 13:2;
- The earth shall be like it was before it was divided:D&C 133:24;
-Read "The Core and Crust of Leadership" by Clark (2 pages) and make any connections you can between geology, virtue and leadership...powerful!!! Bring and share your ah-has or thoughts, write them down, or share them with a parent.
-Make a collection of rocks and use this article (or one of your own sources) to test how they are different.
"Project Time"
Time to report back on the progress of your month long project, your weekly one, or your currently adapted one! Look at your life: how can applying virtue in some way improve your studies, your relationships with others, family, or God? How can virtue change your life? Prayerfully find a way and apply it. Inspire us by sharing with us what and how you are doing!
We will be going on a field trip for the last part, after lunch, so please be prepared for that!
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ReplyDeletenever mind! I figured it out! ;P haha