Tuesday, September 23, 2014

October Week 4: Imaginative Arts

WEEK 4: Imaginative Arts 
The week when we get to CREATE and EXPRESS OURSELVES using the arts of the beautiful lens, making what we learned a part of our lives forever….


*Each week, you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).

 A look at Virtue through the Imaginative Arts Lens

"Starting Point":
1. Come ready to pass off our poem and scripture for the month!

2. Read "Red Scarf Girl" or "Wild Swans" or "Mao's Last Dancer."  Try to record your thoughts or favorite quotes as you read by sharing them with others or writing them down.
Image result for music image
3. This week, pay attention to the different types of music you and those around you listen to.  How does it make you feel?  Who tends to listen to what kinds of music?  Ask them why and how it makes them feel.  Come to class and share what you found!

4. Read Chapter 2 in "Aspire" and record your thoughts in your journal.
Some questions you could answer in your journal are: What is a pathfinder?  Do I agree with the statement "Life isn't practice?"  Why or why not?  Who are the leaders in my life?  Why should I go the extra mile? Instead of writing, you could draw a picture or take a picture of something that reminds you of this chapter and what it means to be a pathfinder. Bring to class  to share during our discussion.

"Bunny Trails":
Select from the following or pick your own--
-Relating to the "Aspire" chapter do one or more of the following:
  • Identify and honor a pathfinder that you know whose behavior best reflects a true Pathfinder by selecting a person and then reaching out to this person to explain to them what a pathfinder is and why they personafiy this word.  You could do this in person, with a letter or email.
  • Identify one interest or talent in your life and choose 1 thing you can do each day to develop that talent.  Write it down and try doing it for 7 days in a row.  Share with us how it went.
  • Do you have someone who is showing you the way?  Write about this person, how you met them and how they have or are helping you.  Share in class.
  • Look for clues each day that will help you on "your journey".  Record them in your journal and act  upon promptings you receive.
  • Think of one project, job, or service that you are currently doing.  Identify how you can go the extra mile and do it.
-Draw a picture of Ji-Li Jiang (or one of the other main characters in another of the approved books) and incorporate oriental aspects and images that evoke the need for virtue.  Use a different medium of art that you haven't used before.  Listen to oriental music while you are doing it.  Pay attention to how it makes you feel.

-Do a Character T-chart of two characters in the book or a graphic summary about the book.  Find some videos, music or articles that help you understand the characters or the book better.

-Gather videos, songs, poems, art or stories and combine them into a FHE lesson or devotional for your family, seminary or Vanguard.  If you do not share it with us, tell us how it went and share some highlights.

-Just like body language and art communicates, music does as well.  Do a research project studying the effect of music on people or research other studies that have been done. (Maybe, with your research, you can help your parents find something good about the music you like, if they don't already like it :).)

-Consider the article by Oliver DeMille "Government Secrecy Kills Freedom" and compare the ideas in it to what you found in Red Scarf Girl in a paper, speech, or some other presentation.

"Project Time"
Get ready to present what you have done this month for your project with us!  It can be either the more recent one(s) you haven't shared yet or a main one that you have been working on all month.

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