Friday, August 8, 2014

Sept: Week 4--Imaginative Arts

WEEK 4: Imaginative Arts 
The week when we get to CREATE and EXPRESS OURSELVES using the arts of the beautiful lens, making what we learned a part of our lives forever….


*Each week, you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).

 A look at Humility through the Imaginative Arts Lens

1. Review the poem and scripture for the month and consider what they can teach you about humility.  Come to class prepared to pass it off!

Image result for image of hiawatha2. Now, read another poem, this one about the wonderful Native American people who were present when the settlers first came to the American continent. Read the two selections from “Hiawatha” by Longfellow here: pgs 130-142  Highlight or otherwise note your favorite passages.

3. Read “Alone Yet Not Alone.”  Did the family’s faith and humility give them power?  What messages did this book send to you?  Were they all true? Write down at least three “messages” you heard in this book and use your “penetrating deception” exercise to find out if they are messages of godly truth.

Then please do one or more of the following:
- Write down your favorite quotes to share about the book.  Put them in your quote box.
-Look at the journey, time period, or location of the characters in the book, study more about them, and come prepared to teach us about them in some way.
-Do a character T-chart comparing the two sister’s, or two of any of the characters in the book.
-Do a brain map mapping connections between this book, your life, and what you have studied this month.
Do not read their “discussion questions” unless you want to...  They are silly  :).

4.  Do one or both of the following:
-Listen to, sing, or play the hymn “I need thee every hour” and ponder on what it teaches you about humility and trusting the Savior.  Think about when we need the Savior and about how we can reach for Him. Listen to it again.
-Listen to the 5th symphony : listen to it and notice when the song becomes prideful, when God chides it, when the song fights back and when it finally decides to submit and listen to what God has in store for it.
Think about how music has given you strength and reminds you to be humble.

Using the Imaginative Arts to express ourselves and share our message

5.  What is “body language”?  Look it up or ask someone, and spend a few minutes looking in the mirror watching some of your own body language.  Ask a parent or trusted friend what they have noticed your body language saying to them.  Come prepared to participate in  "Performing Arts" activity to learn more!

6. Let’s look at the power of words and how they can transform us!
READ the Forward, Intro. and Chapter 1 of Aspire.
WRITE about one or more of the following:
  • How can having humility help me live the principle of Genshai?
  • Find a scripture/scripture story that teaches the principle of Genshai and write about it.
  • Tell about a person from this months study that demonstrates Genshai or who doesn't demonstrate Genshai. How did living or not living this principle effect their life.
  • Use the author's journaling on Genshai as inspiration and record in your journal your own unique thoughts and reflections on Genshai.
DO one of the following:
    Image result for image of genshai
  • Select someone whose behavior best reflects the principles of Genshai.  Write that persons name in your journal.  Reach out and teach that person the meaning of Genshai and explain why he or she personifies this word.  You could do this in person, letter or email.
  • Teach the word and what it means to your family in home evening.  
  • Think about your own life.  Do you practice Genshai?  How could you improve?  Could you be more kind to yourself, to others you know or meet?  Set a specific goal of how you will practice Genshai?  Record in your journal your goal and write down your successes.
  • Tape the word to your mirror and remind yourself each morning of your greatness and the greatness of others.
  • Write a poem that demonstrates Genshai or bring or draw a picture that shows Genshai

7. Come prepared to be messy as we explore the messages sent through lines and colors!  Check out the blog for a whole list of lines and their meaning.  Practice doing some before class if you’d like.

Finalize your month with a project!

8. PROJECT TIME!  Take what you have learned this week or any week throughout the month and figure out a way to communicate it through an artistic medium: acting, singing, drawing, sculpting, writing, poetry, etc.   (This can also be your Master Class project.)

If you have been working on a month-long project, now is the time to create something that describes your project, was a part of your project, or is your project and then come and share it with us.

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