Monday, August 4, 2014

Sept: Week 1--Leadership Academy

Image result for title of libertyOur theme this year is the Title of Liberty, raised by the hero-captain of the Book of Mormon, Moroni himself.  We, too are engaged in this battle that Moroni fought…a battle fought in memory of our God, our religion, and our families.  It is real.  It is here.
As we start off this year as we prepare ourselves for this battle between good and evil, the first place we should look is heaven-ward.  God has a plan for us, a mission in store that is unique to us, our talents and abilities…a mission that will help defeat the evil that is around us and bring us joy unspeakable!

To do that takes HUMILITY, our principle for the month.

1 Memorize this scripture of the month:  Psalms 22:4—By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honour and life.

Really?  Try this “mathematical equation” out: is it true?    HUMILITY + OBEDIENCE = POWER!
Captain Moroni believed it!

2 Read Alma 46:13: …he [Moroni] bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren…

3. Ask yourself:
--“Why would a military leader, Captain Moroni, pray mightily to God before gathering people to his cause,…before even fighting?”
--“How could being humble help his cause?  What is your ‘cause’? 

Write down your “cause” in this life—either your cause for right now or for the future—in your reflection book or journal.

--“Can being humble help you in your cause?”

Let’s start by figuring out what is humility?
4. Do a Word study on the word “Humility

6. Now read ch. 8 in “Standing for Somethingabout gratitude and do one or more of the following and bring them to class.
-Write a paragraph answering the question: What does gratitude have to do with humility?  -Listen to Pres. Uchtdorf’s recent talk about  gratitude:  and write at least 3 things that gratitude can do for you.
-Sit down and write a list of 100 things you are grateful for
-Write down your favorite quotes or stories from  the chapter or what you learned about gratitude.

 Now let’s look at LEADERSHIP SKILLS and the role humility plays in being a good leader: What does God want from His leaders?

7. Review the chapter “Put First Things First” in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and pray about how you can apply something to help in your studies.

8. Look at how humility played a part in building our nation by reading “What Would the Founding Fathers Think?” and do one or more of the following:
-teach a friend about what you read from the book…help them understand at least three points made in the book.
-make a collection of your favorite quotes from the book and share it with us
-look for articles in the news or newspaper that support or disprove points in this book
-make your own comic strip about one of the problems in today’s society

9. PROJECT TIME--Let’s create some intelligence!
Come up with a project for this week to apply in some way something from above.  You can also come up with a humility project for the month and work on it weekly, reporting back to us on your progress so we can cheer you on!  Please contact me or any other mentor if you want to brainstorm ideas for a meaningful personal project together!

-Seek to be more grateful and write down things you are grateful for in your journal every night for a week, paying particular attention to God’s hand in your life.
-Think about putting first things first, pray to know God’s will for you in your education, then come up with a plan to put that will into action!  Work at it for the week or month, prayerfully reviewing and evaluating what changes need to made or what areas you need to work on.
-Make a commitment to go to a certain number of classes for Vanguard and then prayerfully and humbly ask God (and your mentors, if you’d like) to help you find a way to do that.
-Start planning out or working on your Imaginative Arts creation project for Master class.

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