Friday, August 8, 2014

Sept: Week 3--Eureka!

WEEK 3: Eureka! 
Seek and ask for explosions of light and truth to help us maintain the Title of Liberty

*Each week, you need to meet with your parents or a mentor and review the material for the week so you can individually tailor it to your studies: powerful and necessary :).

1. Read chapter 2 of Lead Like Jesus and write down a one paragraph summary or take-home message.  You can answer these questions in it if you would like to: What is the author teaching you?  Do you believe it?  If so, how do you feel you should apply it?  If not, why?
In order to lead like Jesus, we need to be able to see through the deceptions of the devil and the fallacies of the world around us.

2. Watch this and see how easy it is to twist truth!
This week, try to see truths in the world around you as well as false messages (remember the Mysterious Benedict Society?)

3. Speaking of “messages,” did you know that every time you read or hear something, you are receiving messages? Read  this version of Jack and the Beanstalk ( and write down at least three “messages” the story tells you, whether true or false.  Bring them to class to share in our “penetrating deception” activity!

(You can read this interesting article on Wikipedia about Jack and the Beanstalk:  How much of it, do you wonder, is true?)

4. Learn how to look for symbols:
Write down and look up in the scriptures at least 3 different symbols and what they mean to you.

Think about these things:
--is there such a thing as absolute truths?
--how can we know if something is an absolute truth?
--how is the Liahona like a compass and how does it work? 
--does humility have anything to do with making the compass work properly?

and Write, Act Out, or Draw an answer to one or more of these questions!  For instance, write a one paragraph (3 sentences) about your answer to one or more of these questions; act out a skit that answers one or more of these questions; or create a piece of art--music, poetry, story, picture--that captures the answer or your feelings about one or more of these questions.

6. Spiritual compasses can guide us, even as compasses of old guided explorers.  Check out these sites and learn more about the compass!
Learn about how Christopher Columbus used a compass in travel:
7. Watch this: and think about how the man’s humility allowed him to listen to his inner compass and allowed God to guide his life.

Watch this: (below) and identify what voices are out there and how to recognize the spirit.  Answer in your mind, what does this process of listening to the spirit have to do with humility?
Watch this: and think about what you would have done if you were in their shoes.

8. PROJECT TIME! Continue to work on your monthly project or do a weekly project of your own using one of the ideas below or coming up with one on your own that relates to what we are learning about or what you are humbly hearing God direct you to do.

--Construct your own orienteering course using a compass and teaching someone else to use it.  Put a treat at the end and teach them the symbolism you learned about the compass.

--Make an artistic representation of one of the concepts above and bring it to class to share with us.

--Spend a week looking for fallacies (falsehoods) and truths that you see in the media and in the world around you.  Seek the spirit to be able to discern the difference. (This can go along with the fallacy inspirements in Journeyman.)

--Apply yourself more diligently to your math this week thus developing your ability to reason and see patterns.

--Daily pray to seek for, listen to, and follow promptings of the Spirit for a pre-determined amount of time.  Record your experiences at the end of each day in your journal.

--Prepare and commit to going to Journeyman and Master Class this week by planning ahead and counseling with a mentor how to do it.

1 comment:

  1. The link to the 13x7=28 video didn't work, so here's another one:
